Coinepic Exchange is MVP ready FIAT dealing cryptocurrency exchange platform focusing on running multiple companies under the same name, same standards, rules and fees all around the world sharing their local resources like bank accounts for deposits and withdrawals, clients, expenses and profits. Coinepic Exchange is trading platform centralized (will change in months to come) and companies decentralized focusing on running multiple companies under the same name, same standards, rules and fees all around the world sharing their local resources like bank accounts for deposits and withdrawals, clients, expenses and profts. However each company will have diferent support teams because of the native language, accountants and lawyers because of the knowledge of the local laws. The mission of Coinepic is to demystify the cryptocurrency ecosystem by simplifying the complex.

With Coinepic ICO, the investors are not investing into just one company, but to the whole new worldwide complex network of the future Coinepic Exchange Companies that operates under the single central trading platform. It doesn’t end there. Coinepic is impatient for covering wide spectrum of business segments accepting cryptocurrency only and providing tight connections to Exchange Platform.
Coinepic will be able to accomplish tasks in shorter time with more top qualifed people and with the best available hardware today. Understanding importance of exchanges in crypto-universe, Coinepic will ensure that Exchange Platform will be safe, transparent, fast and friendly place to go to and rely on, for the whole crypto-industry. Its companies will turn into unstoppable train focused on rapid growth to new markets providing heavy local adoption of cryptocurrencies. After successful ICO, Coinepic will be able to sufciently gear up in advance to provide enough company resources for upcoming high trading volumes and customer support loads never to miss a call or a chat.
pre coin epic - Coinepic wants to maximize ICO success therefore Pre-ICO will be available for everyone who will be interested. Hard Cap for Pre-ICO is 10% of a total amount of all ICO coins. Logic behind Pre-ICO is frst come, frst served. Coinepic will be looking for staf and managers during every new company creation process, participating in ICO will help greatly to become member of the team.
Coinepic Coin (CEC) will be based on ERC223 token standard implementation1 for Ethereum Blockchain2 with backwards compatibility with ERC20 token standard implementation and fnal special touch from our developers. CEC will be minted at 640 000 000 CEC fxed wall, never to be increased. During all ICO stages, CEC coins will be listen on Coinepic Exchange Platform as buyable ONLY with MVP available coins in BTC/CEC, LTC/CEC and ETH/CEC trading pairs. After ICO ends all unused CEC will be burned publicly.
COINEPIC understand the importancy of a user-friendly experience and are investing to make this a reality. The Coinepic cryptocurrency trading platform is being optimised to be the fastest, the most secure and intuitive experience.
MVP Companies Involved
Following companies are connected to Coinepic Exchange Platform MVP:
- Coinepic s.r.o. (Slovakia, Bratislava)
In process of company creation and setting up working backend:
- Coinepic s.r.o. (Czech Republic, Brno)
Feature Rollout
- Margin Trading
- API v2
- Websocket API
- Voting System
- Copy Trading
- Web design V2
- Windows ( .exe), macOS ( .dmg), Linux ( .deb, .rpm) native installers and clients
- Deployable pre-defned smart contracts on 2nd generation blockchains
- Native iOS client - Native Android client - Decentralized platform
Exchange Platform Revenue Model
Coinepic Exchange Platform revenue model and its sources. Listed Fees in *Table 1 will be divided according to *Table 3 among whole Coinepic Companies Network.

CXC Customer Support Model
Country support team will have direct access to development support team where issues will be solved immediately. With this logic structure speed, quality and native support will achieved.

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AUTHOR : Drautos